ALERT! Due to the Lebanon School Board and City Council candidate forum at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers, we will be starting earlier than first announced.
Next Meeting of the NH Upper Valley Democrats
Date: March 7, 2017
Time: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Location: Kilton Public Library Community Room, West Lebanon
Guest speaker: Sue Ford
NHDP Grassroots Chair
Fmr. House Democratic Floor Leader
Sue Ford, Grassroots Coordinator for the NHDP, will review the process of how NH is organizing for the 2018 elections.
Sue will then speak to how each of our break-out groups move forward; what are best practices; the what, when, and how of advocating for each group; the roles within a group. Sue will help set the stage as we develop our own Upper Valley action plans.
In the brief business meeting, we will be approving the Bylaws and taking nominations for Co-Chairs, Treasurer and Secretary from the floor, as well as for members of the Executive Board. Anyone willing to serve on the Upper Valley Democrats executive board and/or as an officer please give your name to George Sykes at George.Sykes@comcast.net.
- 5:00-5:15 – Pot Luck provided (sign up through Doodle link above);
- 5:15-5:30 – Short business meeting (approval of By-Laws, nomination and election of officers, nomination and election of members to the executive board);
- 5:30-6.15 – Presentation by Sue Ford;
- 6:15-6:30 – Break-out group reports and huddles.
Break-Out Groups: You may sign up during the evening. Groups will sit together and meet briefly.
- Affordable housing and homeless issues;
- Local networking and citizen outreach;
- Voting rights and legislation;
- The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid funding;
- Recognizing and countering fake news;
- Education;
- Environment;
- Visualization (Big Picture)
The meeting will be a pot-luck event. We ask individuals with last names from A–G to bring a main dish; names from H–P, salad or fruit; names from Q–Z, a dessert—each dish serving four to six people. We suggest easy-to-eat options as there are no tables. Kitchen facilities adjoining the community room, however, will be available.
Please complete this Doodle response poll to confirm you are coming and to indicate what dish you will bring:
Our next steps will be to influence the legislation and executive actions being taken at both the national and state levels. Click on the following links for the Upper Valley Dems’ Call to Action sites:
Upper Valley- Action Together UV
CREDO Action
NH News
Citizens Academy