Our October fundraiser grossed close to $4,800! Thanks to everyone for their support. To read about the event and see the great photos from the evening, click here.

Saturday, November 4 and Sunday, November 5, in Cornish, Grantham, Plainfield, Springfield. Canvassing for Brian Sullivan, Candidate for NH State Representative in Sullivan County District 1.
Call Bill Secord at 603.286.0331 or email him at wrsecord@live.com.to arrange pick up and instructions. If you want to do some phone banking, click on the virtual phone bank link: https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/AF0A32D-7378.
Thursday, November 9, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Women in Conservation Series, Montshire Museum of Science
Admission is free but reservations are recommended. For more information and to register, click www.thesca.org/wic.
Sponsors: Sierra Club Upper Valley Group, Montshire Museum of Science, Student Conservation Association, Institute for Sustainable Communities