UVDems March 26 Program: Elections, Platform Committee, Legislative Updates

Click here to read the recap of the evening.

Monday,  March 26, 6.00 p.m. – potluck, 6.30 Program

Upper Valley Senior Center
10 Campbell Street, Lebanon, NH

The evening will be in three parts:

6.30 p.m. – Elections to fill vacancies on the UVDems executive committee: co-chair and secretary

6.45 p.m – NHDP Platform Committee Q&A The NHDP platform committee members will come to our meeting and ask questions based on the current New Hampshire Democratic Party’s 2018 Platform. This committee is charged with building a Platform that finds the common ground among us and helps make the case for why Democrats, Independents, and Republicans — our friends and neighbors — should support the Democratic vision for moving New Hampshire forward.

This is your Party and your Platform, and we can’t do it without you and your thoughts. Let your voice be heard!

Click HERE to review the current New Hampshire Democratic Party’s 2018 Platform before the March 10 meeting. 

Click HERE to read the NHDP Platform Committee procedures

7.30 p.m. – New Hampshire Legislative

Legislators from some of our 14 towns will present brief updates on one or two bills of their choice.The following legislators will speak:

Representative Susan Almy, Lebanon, Ranking Democrat on the committee and former chair, Ways and Means
Representative Polly Campion, Hanover, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs
Representative Tim Josephson, Canaan, Municipal and County Government
Senator Martha Hennessey

Please sign up here for potluck.