Week of April 30 – May 4

Wonderful article by Garry Reyno on the final month in the 2018 session; lawmakers face some of the biggest decisions they will make this term.

Rubber Meets Lawmaker Road: School Vouchers, Transgender Rights, Burgess BioPower, By GARRY RAYNO, Distant Dome


Dates to keep in mind this week!

Wednesday, May 2nd, 8:00 a.m.
State House Lawn, Concord

Rally to Reauthorize #MedEx
The full NH House of Representatives will vote on SB 313 and decide whether or not to continue to offer access to health care to more than 52,000 Granite Staters. RSVP here!  Breakfast and a free t-shirt will be provided.

See number of NH MedEx participants by NH districts.


Thursday, May 3rd, 

The House Finance Committee voted 14-12 to send SB 193 for interim study. However the full House vote this week could still overrule this recommendation. We need to defeat this bill. (Read letter from Doug Ley, AFT-NH President, for details.)

Please contact your state representative to emphasize – we need a NO vote on SB 193. If you have any connection to Representatives in other districts, please contact them to ask for a NO vote on this bill.

Thank you.  Margaret Campbell, Chair, Education Action Group


Voter Rights – TIME is RUNNING OUT.
Urge Sununu to veto voter suppression bills. We need 2500 signatures by MONDAY. Sign the petition HERE to make your voice heard.

Environmental Ethics and Earth Day

April 18 was a busy day in the news on environmental issues. Could it be that Earth Day will be celebrated this Sunday?

Our Monday night program moderator, Bruce James wrote a Letter To The Editor that appeared in the Valley News on Wednesday, April 18. He invites us to examine the role of environmental ethics and how it sits at the “nexus of science, politics and policy, and [it] is a tool to build a clearer sense of what we value in the realm of energy systems that are essential to our communities.” Dr. James is a University of Maryland professor emeritus in soil chemistry, soil, and civilization.

On the same day, a timely article appeared on the Valley News editorial page. The article argues for the federal government to become more involved in energy innovation research. Our Monday night panelists will address this and other energy issues.

And finally, NOVA’s documentary on Decoding the Weather Machine aired on April 18, 2018 at 8 pm on PBS. The focus is on how Earth’s intricate climate system is changing and introduces us to innovative energy research developments.

Plan on attending our Monday night monthly lecture series on Environmental Ethics, on Monday, April 23, at 6:00 (potluck), in the Upper Valley Senior Center. The program starts at 6.30.

If you plan on joining us for the potluck, please consider bringing something to add to the party.  It doesn’t have to be lavish; the more variety, the merrier the feast.

Upper Valley Senior Center of Lebanon
10 Campbell St, 
Lebanon, NH 03766