Following on the heels of our immigration panel, we are inviting you to a very special event, hosted by the Upper Valley Democrats and Representatives Susan Almy and George Sykes:
Sunday, July 15, 2.30- 4.30 p.m.
32 Dorset Lane, Lebanon, NH
You can register HERE.
Senator Jeff Merkley, one of the leaders in the battle at the border, will be our guest speaker at a house party in Lebanon. Senator Merkley has led the effort to change the child separation policy, first drawing national attention to the problem when he tried to visit a child detention facility in Brownsville, Texas in early June.
He’ll be coming to the Upper Valley to talk about the stakes in the 2018 election and how we can together put some checks and balances on this administration and begin transforming our state and our country to work for “We the People” and a vision of equality and fairness, not for the privileged and powerful.
Senator Merkley sees grassroots organizing as the key to the tough fights in front of us and looks forward to hearing from all of us as well as sharing his views about how we build the grassroots team to win!
Watch the July 10 interview of our guest speaker, Senator Jeff Merkley, with Rachel Maddow, on Democratic concerns that Donald Trump has chosen Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court on the belief that Kavanaugh’s position on executive power will protect him from any prosecution stemming from the Mueller investigation. Click HERE to see the interview.
For those who might have difficulty descending the driveway on foot, we will accommodate. If you can car pool, that is even better! Thank you. You can register HERE.