Week of December 17, 2018

Two new events you might wish to attend:



It’s time to get more involved in your town’s Democrat committee! It doesn’t take much. Here are some suggestions.

If you have the digital skills:

● Offer to help create, maintain, and utilize an email list of committee members to keep everyone updated;

● Offer to work on your town database, to contact 2018 volunteers, and to  get them involved in your local committee;

● Offer to manage your committee’s social media accounts (Twitter & Facebook);

If you have the organizational skills: 

Offer to hep with monthly meetings:

  1. Organize forums, programs, and guest speakers;
  2. Raise money to support local candidates and local campaign offices;
  3. Take action at meetings by circulating petitions, writing postcards, or organizing voter contact;
  4. Provide a list of action items and next steps following meetings.
    • Identify Democrats to run for local town/municipal offices;
    • Work to elect those Democrats to help build a bench for state representative/senate;
    • Assist current local office holders to build public support for common-sense local governance;
    • Work with your county committee to recruit candidates for State and County office;
    • Hold Republican officeholders accountable by educating your neighbors by what’s happening in Concord.

Contact your town chair and offer to help.