January 14 -28

  1. Weekly N.H. News Roundup: The Exchange, NHPR, on the environment, addiction treatment, and more (podcast);
  2. Reaching for sufficiency and taxpayer fairness in public school funding, Rep. Dick Ames, Concord Monitor;
  3. N.H.’s Medicaid Work Requirement Will Have Unintended Consequences, NHPR report;
  4. January 15, Repeal the Death Penalty,  Jodi Picoult and death-row exoneree Sabrina Butler;
  5. January 18, Bridges Not Borders benefit, Norwich;
  6. January 19, John Delaney for President, Hanover;
  7. January 19, Weatherize Kicks Off in Canaan and Enfield;
  8. January 28, UVD Monday Program: Leading in the Age of Trump–Keynote from Steve Marchand; Upper Valley  Senior Center,  Lebanon, 6.00 p.m. potluck, 6.30 p.m. elections, 7.00 p.m. program

AND consider volunteering on your Town Committee.

AND consider running for office in your town. 

Town Meeting Day is coming up for many towns. We are looking for people to run for local positions.
The filing period is Jan. 23 to Feb. 1.  Let us know if you are interested!

Week of January 7&14

January 10, 12:15pm-1:15pm

The Social Cost of Nuclear Power
Fahey Hall – First Floor Commons

Fukushima prefecture in Japan is the site of a 2011 tsunami and nuclear accident after a major earthquake off the east coast of Japan. Despite the very minor release of radiation into the atmosphere, the disaster has had profound effects on the lives of the local citizens. 

Dr. Louise Davies will share field notes and invite discussion on her reflections after visiting the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant to observe the dismantling and containment progress, and meeting and working with the scientists running the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

Louise Davies, MD, MS, is an otolaryngologist and health services researcher on thyroid cancer. She spent last year as a Fulbright Global Scholar doing research on thyroid cancer in Japan and England, and serving on a task force for the International Agency for Research on Cancer to make recommendations about thyroid monitoring after nuclear accidents.