Week of March 25

Sunday, March 31st at 11:30 a.m.
The Lyme InnAnnie Kuster receptionJoin Annie Kuster at the Lyme Inn on March 31st.For more information please contact Sarah at (317) 755.9593 and sarah@kusterforcongress.com

Monday, April 1,

6 – 8 p.m.
The Devil We Know: 
and 3M poisoning the world.

Lebanon Masonic Temple
25 Green St, Lebanon

Hosted by Safe Water Alliance

The Devil We Know is the story of how one synthetic chemical, used to make Teflon products, contaminated a West Virginia community. New research suggests nearly all Americans have been exposed to non-stick chemicals in food, drinking water, and consumer products and that it’s in our blood.

The showing will include a panel of experts and meaningful actions that you can take to demand clean drinking water in New Hampshire.