National Week of Conversation – April 5-13

Get ready for the
‘National Week of Conversation’ 
April 5-13

Americans from all over the country will take a small step to help bridge the political divides in our country.

They will do this by reaching out to people who have different political views and engaging them in civil and respectful conversation about the future of our nation.

The goal of these conversations is to help people learn from each other, build relationships and look for ways to reduce the growing polarization in our public life.

This is where you come in! Join the challenge!

Interested individuals are encouraged to have at least one in depth conversation during the week with someone who they think has significantly different views about how to deal with the major issues facing our country.

Sound interesting, but you’re not sure?

  • You can download sample conversations with some ground rules.
  • You will ask the same five questions everyone else taking the challenge will be asking!
  • AND you only need to talk to ONE person during the week!

Sign up HERE and when you are done, take five minutes to report on your conversation on the site. Don’t forget to sign up as part of the Upper Valley Democrats. 


“Real change, enduring change happens one step at a time.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg