Get ready for the UVDems biennial fundraiser (see details below). We hope to make enough to be able to give nice boosts to our local candidates, continue to fund our monthly Monday night programs, and we will need some money to support an office for the general campaign. It’s not all about taking, we are also having a raffle with tickets, gift certificates to local restaurants and opportunities with a very high possibility of winning.
There will be the rousing discussion between Andru Volinsky (Sanders campaign) and Mike Vlacich (Clinton campaign). They will describe how, in 2016, they tried to conduct a respectful primary campaign supporting opposing candidates.
There are opportunities to meet candidates for state and national office (Sanders is coming on Sunday) and while you’re at it, you might consider running to be a delegate to the national convention.
Hope to see you in October!
- Lebanon Meet the Reps VIDEO;
- Weekly N.H. News Roundup: NHPR The Exchange- Veto Week;
- Women and Political Participation: current trends, challenges and opportunities. RECAP with VIDEOS;
- Democrats and Republicans Agree on $12.9 Billion Budget;
- JUST IN! September 26, Team Beto fall kickoff;
- September 27, Climate Strike, Lebanon, 4.30 p.m.;
- September 28, Redistricting training, Manchester, 12:00pm;
- September 29, Bernie rally at Dartmouth College, 5:30 p.m.
- October 4, Win with Warren Happy Hour in the Upper Valley (Lebanon)!
- October 10, Congressman Chris Pappas, Hanover;
- October 17, NHDP delegate selection process, Howe Library, Hanover.