Wednesday, November 20, Democratic Debate, 9 p.m.

Wednesday, November 20,  STARTS AT 9 p.m.
Join us for the 5th UVD Democratic Presidential Primary Debate Watch Party,  at Gusanoz Mexican Restaurant, 410 Miracle Mile, Lebanon.

According to the Washington Post, 10 candidates have qualified for the November debate.

The debate starts at 9 p.m. If you are not coming for dinner, plan to arrive around ten minutes to nine.

The debate watch party is open to all. If you are still undecided, as many of us are, you can chat with some of the campaigns reps who join us for the debates.

Once again, we will hand out UVD table cards to put on your table. This way, other debate watchers can join your group and servers will easily identify you.

Hope to see you there!