To read all the bills our wonderful Democrats in the NH Legislature have passed is to bask in a glow of positivity and goodness. Alas, the chances that they will arrive on the Governor’s desk and be stamped with his stamp of approval are slim. Sadly we may soon see them in Sununu Fun Facts as vetoes. We must work hard to vote him out!
And the power of handwritten postcards is evident in the data. It’s amazing how warm and welcoming these postcards are vs printed material flooding mailboxes. If you have skills, pens with ink and the time, it’s a very, very productive thing to undertake.
We always thought compulsive liars were the only people who made fake news . . . come to find out we can all learn to do it in the “Managing Disinformation” virtual workshop.
IT’S CRIMINAL is coming up. This is one of those not-to-be-missed programs (hey, they all are not to be missed!) but this really is so important. You will meet women who have made a difference and the women whose lives have been dramatically changed through this program. AND it’s local. These people walk among us and we are proud to present them!
Then there is the final debate before the NH primary. The primary is swiftly closing in on us and those undecideds must START paying attention. All six of the candidates will have their “A” games on so don’t miss it. There are some candidate parties around to join or make your own.
Click here for the full email:
- Sununu Fun Facts. Did you know?;
- House and Senate Bills passed this week;
- Get up-to-speed on 2020 bills;
- January15, Meet the Contractors Night, Weatherize Hanover ;
- January 14, 9 p.m. ET, Democratic Presidential Primary Debate, CNN;
- January 27, UVD program, “It’s Criminal”, film and panel.
- Postcards to Voters;
- Absentee Ballots Available;
- Managing Disinformation;
- Candidate campaign offices in the Upper Valley.