Week before the primaries!

Well, the rubber is meeting the road on February 11th and we have a breathtaking number of events leading up to it. Latecomer but no less viable a candidate, Deval Patrick will be in Hanover on February 3rd; Andrew Yang will be holding a Lebanon town hall February 4 and one in Hanover February 9;  February 5 . . . we could go on but it’s all listed below. Try to see these candidates do their closing arguments. We can’t help but make informed decisions if we do.

Speaking of being informed . . . we are all reeling from last week’s revelation that our country’s Senate is full of boot-licking, spineless Republican . . . anyway, we are all beyond enraged . . . which is a great time to remind everyone that the UVDem’s mission is to ENGAGE, EDUCATE, EMPOWER, which is a very good reason to ENCOURAGE our ENRAGED neighbors to join us, take in our programs and become ENGAGEd, EDUCATEd and EMPOWERed. The NEGEF seed grant we just won ($1000!) tells us we’re on the right track! With that money we can be assured that we can rent appropriate spaces for our programs for 2020.

The other thing we need to ENCOURAGE you to do is to look carefully at the memes and information you share with others. We ourselves have been caught sharing perfectly harmless looking info only to find that it was planted. It is not just the Russians . . . it’s anyone who wants to emphasize (exaggerate) a point by spreading false and misleading junk. We have to be vigilant and sparing about what we spread around. (that said, can’t wait to spread manure in the spring!!!)

One last thing—our last program last week on criminal injustice reform was right up there (in our minds) as one of the best we’ve had. We were able to videotape the discussion after the film (IT’S CRIMINAL which is a must-see). You won’t regret listening to the conversation with the audience and our panelists.

You can watch our video here: Video link with subtitles: https://youtu.be/MwGmItw5oyw

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