Let’s see . . . there are volunteer opportunities, workout offerings, TV suggestions (we should start a Netflix string about all the compelling series we’ve discovered (for another day)). And the sonnets. Who HASN’T imagined what it would be like to have Patrick Stewart read Shakespeare sonnets to them???
We are all asked to follow so many rules these days: of course our hand-washing, six-feet apart, mask rules; then there are the census rules–we must do it and encourage others to do it as well. And of course the National Democratic Convention is coming up, by hook or by crook . . . in August? who knows. But the rules for that need to be adopted. See below.
And we are obsessed with removing the scourge in the WH so there is David Plouffe’s book on drumping (dumping Trump) that sounds like a necessary read.
Whatever you do is OK right now. You get a pass. We are all in shock, unfocused and confused. Read a book, watch a TV show, take in a movie, exercise and don’t eat that entire tub of ice cream–spread it out.
Stay safe and enjoy the wine. And while you’re drinking that wine, toast our elected officials who have delivered! Thank you one and all!

COVID-19 has forced us all into social isolation and self-quarantining. In this new world, the Upper Valley Dems has been faced with the challenge of continuing its programming and managing all its meetings to meet program demands.
Funding for ‘technology support’ provided by the New England Grassroots Environment Fund, has made it possible for us to continue our programming, not in the Hanover Rec Center, but online. We hope to be back up and running for our April program, on the Zoom platform. We will send out a link and you can watch the program from your home. Nothing to download, just click and watch.
One caveat! This is new to all of us so we ask you to be flexible as we get our sea legs. We look forward to connecting with all of you again.
Click here for more details on the items:
- How you can help in the community;
- A Sonnet a Day;
- A FREE WORKOUT? CCBA Daily Workouts with ZOOM;
- A BOOK? An Obama adviser summons a volunteer army to defeat President Trump
- A TV Series? Looking for something else to do?
- Sununu Sad Facts;
- Did you miss the Census?;
- Run for Delegate to the National Convention;
- NHDP 2020 Resolutions Committee;
- Our Members of Congress Delivered on Coronavirus Bill