All posts by UVDems

Useful things we found!

Good news! The Upper Valley Dems submitted a quick grant to cover the cost of our zoom account and it was immediately approved! Now we will be able to have our monthly programs available as interactive meetings. More about that to come. Ok that’s it for the good news . . .

We are focused of course on the virus and the predicament we find ourselves in together. There are a few things you can do listed below . . . an app that serves as a symptom tracker which will provide data to all those who are trying to predict a model for this nightmare virus; volunteer opportunities and other things you can do from a distance.

There is so much to talk about . . . like could this event be a wake-up call to the flaws of having healthcare be a business rather than a collective government agency? We would love to hear from you—what topics would you like to see as a virtual program?

So stay inside, follow the rules and we’ll get through this together.

Click this link to read more details on the items below:


  • Upper Valley Response Team (UVRT);
  • Independent Redistricting Commission, letter writing;
  • Essential Medical Personnel Childcare volunteers;
  • Resources that can be accessed remotely at Upper Valley libraries;
  • NH Emergency Orders: Donna Soucy;
  • Food Shopping;
  • Small Business Disaster Loans;
  • Postcards to Voters.

Activism from Home!

It is incredibly hard to pretend we are living in normal times . . . we aren’t and that’s our reality. That said, there are things we can focus on that will enhance our future. One issue is redistricting. Our Martha Hennessey has worked hard to pass the HB 1665. We can distract her from our present dilemma by thanking her with a card or by email.

Zoom gatherings are another way to focus on the future instead of the present . . . The Daily Kos with others are holding what should be an exciting digital rally featuring Stacey Abrams and Dr. William Barber at 3:30pm TODAY. They will be discussing and mobilizing people to push our elected officials to put people before corporations in response to the pandemic (see below for more details).

Also, both Andru Volinsky and Annie Kuster have upcoming Zoom events. You can sign up below.

It goes without saying that we are living in dangerous, sad, brutal times (so why are we saying that?) but maybe, after we take care of ourselves and our loved ones, we can take this time to work toward making our world safer, more humane, more accessible, and more reasonable for one and all.

Please, let’s keep some kind of joy in our lives.

Here is the email link with more details on events below: