All posts by UVDems

While staying in, get out!

What is clearly bubbling to the surface is a litmus test of who our real leaders are. We have governors to the left and right of us. A premier to the north, governors to the south . . . all exhibiting the leadership they were elected to do. And then there is our occupant and the occupant in the white house . . . there are no words. We do have good memories though and hopefully so does the electorate.

Zoom is getting a good workout with meetings, exercising and socializing. Find a group or a meeting (Annie’s will be informative) and while staying in, get out!

There is quite a bit of info packed into this email about volunteer opportunities, shopping plans and other actions. Let’s do what we can while focusing on our and our communities’ health and welfare.

For details of items below please click here!

  • Call Governor Sununu’s office!;
  • Immediate action needed on child care: Dan Feltes;
  • Essential Medical Personnel Childcare volunteers;
  • Resources that can be accessed remotely at Upper Valley libraries;
  • March 30, Virtual Meet Up with Annie;
  • April 1, Sierra Club Webinar;
  • April 4, 2020 Democracy in Action Conference.


  • NH Emergency Orders: Donna Soucy;
  • Food Shopping: UPDATES;
  • Small Business Disaster Loans;
  • Postcards to Voters.

Life goes on…

Desperately seeking positive thoughts . . . There are a few things we can do . . . Making masks for the heroes at DHMC would be productive . . . Writing postcards will push things forward. If we’re over 60 or compromised in any way, figure out how to get supplies without physically going out or by following the instructions below carefully . . . Use local merchants and services as much as you can . . . And if you are young and healthy, try reaching out to someone who isn’t.

Use this email as a reference for up-to-date information and we’ll keep adding to it as clear information comes our way.

We have provided links to peak interest in the electoral college’s efficacy and hope to keep the conversation alive. This arcane tradition in our elections is confounding and should be kept front and center as an issue that needs to be eradicated or updated.

There is some weird comfort in knowing that we’re all in this together and that we’ll get through it together. We need to stay home and stay healthy!

For more information on bullets below,  see latest email, click here!

  • Sew medical masks for healthcare workers;
  • POSTPONED! Monday, March 23, UVD programShould the Electoral College be Retained, Repealed, or Replaced? Scroll down for Opinion piece in the NY Times;
  • CANCELLED! March 29, Annie in Norwich.


  • NH Emergency Orders: Donna Soucy;
  • Food Shopping Safety: UPDATES;
  • Small Business Disaster Loans;
  • Postcards to Voters, UPDATES!