All posts by UVDems

CNN Town Hall tonight and Nevada Debate tomorrow!

We know we promised a lull in the firehose of information . . . but this can’t be helped. The CNN town halls which start tonight in Nevada require our attention. These hour-long in-depth conversations could well serve as intimate introductions of the candidates to the Nevada voters. Let’s wish them all the best.

Then the debate takes place on the 19th even though the CNN town halls continue until the 20th and then . . . the caucus, which defies explanation, is on the 22nd but people are already participating? Do they bring sleeping bags?

Anyway, somehow it will all play out and there will be a winner, a sort of winner, a kind of winner . . . Let’s hope clarity prevails!

and don’t forget to come to Hanover for our monthly program on Criminal Justice Reform!

Full details in the email:

  • February 18 & 20, CNN Town Halls;
  • February 19, Nevada Debate;
  • February 24, Criminal Justice Reform: What’s Next in New Hampshire?;
  • March 21, The NHDP Platform Committee;
  • March 28, Step Forward.


  • Postcards to Voters;

Klobuchar- Buttigieg – Warren – Yang – Bennet in UV!

Saturday, February 8

Amy Klobuchar, a Hanover Get-Out-the -Vote Event —

Doors open at 4:00 PM, program starts at 4:30 PM

Dartmouth College Alumni Hall
4 E Wheelock St, Hanover, NH 03755


Saturday, February 8th, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm EST

Get Out the Vote Rally with Pete in Lebanon

Lebanon High School
195 Hanover St
Lebanon, NH 03766
RSVP here

Sunday, February 9

Lebanon Town Hall with Elizabeth Warren

Doors open: 5:00 pm,  Event start time: 6:00 pm

Lebanon High School, 195 Hanover St, Lebanon, NH 03766

RSVP here!

Sunday, February 9, Hanover, 1.45 p.m.
Hanover Town Hall with Andrew Yang

Hopkins Alumni Center at Dartmouth College, 4 E Wheelock St, Hanover



Monday, February 10, 9 – 10 a.m.
Michael Bennet in New London 

Blue Loon Bakery
12 Lovering Ln
New London, NH 03257

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