Category Archives: Posts


Budget and Bills in Concord

If you missed Governor Sununu’s budget address on Thursday, listen to this week’s NHPR  Weekly N.H. News Roundup. The program provides some context for the state’s priorities and examines what new efforts the governor is highlighting. It also looks at what was not covered in the budget address.

Meanwhile, House and Senate Committees are working hard on bills. To keep up with the multiple committees and their bills, here are some easy sites to click through to find standing committees, members, member emails, current bills being discussed, and relevant links for each committee. 
Senate Standing Committees and Calendars
House Standing Committees and Bills

Read Rep. Marjorie Porter’s article on Issues Big and Small and How About Those Property Taxes, “…all downshifted to the local property tax payers—you and me.” Representative Porter, D-Hillsborough, sits on the House Municipal and County Government Committee.

For those of you who were not able to attend Karen Liot Hill’s presentation on Civics 101 in 2017, see slides 13 and 14 below that explain how a bill moves through committees and where you, as a citizen, can weigh in.

Events this week:

Tuesday, February 19th, 4 – 6 p.m.
Kilton Library
Renewable Energy Options Affordable For Low Income People

The goal of the event is to give recipients of assistance the opportunity to speak to each other and find solutions.

Thursday, February 21, 7 p.m.,
Howe Library

The Hanover/Lyme Democrats Biennial Caucus

Agenda includes electing members of the Executive Committee (including officers) and representatives to the State Convention.
We will also be amending our bylaws to reflect the merging of the Lyme Democrats with the Hanover Democrats.

Presidential Candidates coming to our area Feb 16-17-18

Colin Van Ostern has shared some dates, times, and locations or  presidential candidate events in our area this weekend. Thanks Colin!

If you are interested in being part of the conversation, here are just a few chances: