Bennet events this weekend

We are so so fortunate, here in New Hampshire, to have a delegation so woke, so intelligent, so um Democratic, that we don’t have to spend time writing and calling our national delegation about their votes (like Maine, for instance) (and am sure they love love letters). That said, we still need to raise our voices in true indignation. We have our own Trumpian governor to push back on. Try to harness your blood pressure when you read our latest “Sununu facts.” All kinds of blatant abuses of power are going on right here and we need to let him know that we notice. Let our neighbors know; spread the word. He needs to go back to whatever he was doing before he was voted in.

Our lone visiting candidate this weekend, Sen. Michael Bennet, now has four stops in our region: Enfield, Grantham, Sunapee and Franklin. He’s more than worth a look so RSVP and go listen to what he has to say.

As of this writing there is no resolution on Thursday,  December 19 debate so keep our debate watch party on your calendar until further notice.

It’s possible that this will be our last newsletter until after the holiday so enjoy your break!

Click here for the full email. 

  • Sununu facts. Did you know?
  • December 17, Senator Jeanne Shaheen in Hanover; CANCELLED
  • Thursday, December 19, 6th UVD Debate night at Gusanoz, 8 p.m.;
  • December 20/21, Bennet comes to the Upper Valley;

Sununu facts. Did you know?
Governor Sununu recently awarded the highly sought after “opportunity zone” designation to Waterville Valley — the community where his family owns a ski resort. There were 106 communities in New Hampshire eligible to receive the designation and Governor Sununu picked the community where his family owns a ski resort to be one of only twenty-seven selected for preferential tax treatment.

The designation as an opportunity zone comes with lucrative tax breaks for business owners and investors, meaning Sununu’s family could benefit greatly from this selection. This is a clear conflict of interest, and Granite Staters deserve to know how this decision was made and whether the Sununu family has benefited financially.

From refusing to release his tax returns to campaign finances and out-of-state travel to using his inaugural fund to pay his friends and family, we’ve seen less transparency from Sununu than any other administration in recent New Hampshire history.
Text courtesy of Dan Feltes

Thursday, December 19, 8 p.m.
6th UVD Democratic Presidential Primary Debate Watch Party
Gusanoz Mexican Restaurant,
410 Miracle Mile, Lebanon.

Join us to watch the 6th Democratic Presidential Primary debate at Gusanoz on THURSDAY, December 19. The debate starts at 8 p.m. If you are not coming for dinner, plan to arrive around ten minutes before it starts, 8 p.m. ET.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

p.s. We have just learned there are more debates on the horizon, and candidates are calling on the DNC to relax the debate standards to allow more candidates on stage.

Tuesday, Jan. 14: A debate in Des Moines, hosted by CNN and The Des Moines Register at Drake University.

Friday, Feb. 7: A debate in Manchester, N.H., hosted by ABC News, WMUR and Apple News at St. Anselm College.

Wednesday, Feb. 19: A debate in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC News, MSNBC and The Nevada Independent.

Tuesday, Feb. 25: A debate in Charleston, S.C., hosted by CBS News, the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and Twitter at the Gaillard Center.

Saturday, December 20/21
Michael Bennet in the Upper Valley 

Senator Michael Bennet is coming to the extended Upper Valley region over the weekend. He’s going living room to living room, town hall to town hall, to answer the toughest questions that Granite Staters can throw at him. Come and ask him yours.

Friday Night – Dec 20th – Grantham Meet and Greet 
7 PM at Farmer’s Table Cafe – 249 Rte 10 N, Grantham
Grantham RSVP

Saturday – Dec 21st – Enfield Coffee 
9 AM at the Home of Barb Jones – 14 Johnston Dr, Enfield
Enfield RSVP

Saturday – Dec 21st – Sunapee Townhall – 
12 PM at the Abbott Library, 11 Soonipi Circle, Sunapee
Sunapee RSVP

Saturday – Dec 21st – Franklin House Party –
2 PM at the Home of Ron and Suzi White, 62 Elm Avenue, Franklin NH
Franklin RSVP

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!