Due to the budget negotiations in DC, the Shaheen event in Hanover has been postponed.
Debate on Dec 19 and Bennet on Dec 21!
This is your invitation to watch this final debate before the February 11 primary.
Gusanoz has, once again, generously offered their wonderful space. Come eat dinner there and then watch the debate starting at 8 or just come at 8. So much more invigorating to watch with a group!
And, speaking of candidates, Sen. Michael Bennet will be visiting the Upper Valley on Saturday, December 21. He is deeply involved in the impeachment hearings on the Senate side so this is a quick sneak out of D.C. for our benefit. He is starting with a house party at 9 a.m. in Enfield. This house party can only accommodate 25 so send in your RSVP ASAP.
The Upper Valley Dems continue to bring you fascinating programs. Coming up on Monday, January 27, 6 p.m. at the Mascoma Valley Regional High School, Mascoma Forward and UVDems are sponsoring a very special screening of “It’s Criminal” by a very talented group of people from the Upper Valley. Following the screening will be a panel of women who participated in the movie. See the trailer below.
With the holidays closing in on us, politics is taking a backseat to baking and wrapping. When we come out of our holiday coma (around January 2) hopefully you will be working hard for your favorite candidate. Then we can take a breath. Happy holidays!
Calendar below- see email for details.
- Democratic National Committee Convention;
- Read and Share;
- December 14, Candlelight Vigil;
- December 17, Senator Jeanne Shaheen in Hanover; CANCELLED
- December 19, final UVD Debate night at Gusanoz, 8 p.m.;
- December 21, Bennet comes to the Upper Valley;
- January 27, UVD program, “It’s Criminal”, film and panel.