Lebanon Town Halls with Pete & Tulsi, Sat, Nov 9!

We know we throw a ton of words at you. We know sometimes it’s hard to get through all the information. The information is important, though, to get us to the perpetual finish line—to vote Democrats into offices that affect our lives—everyday lives and lives for generations to come. We don’t think that’s too hyperbolic at all.

So if you were to cherry pick this week’s read, for our money you’d read the letter to the editor which is first up on our menu. These people articulate perfectly the goals we have laid out for the Upper Valley Dems.

And there’s fun on the calendar! Visits by Mayor Pete, Jill Biden, Tulsi Gabbard are on the roster for this weekend. Remember, the more we see them in person, the more informed we are and the easier it is to pick our faves.

Finally, we are having a program on November 18 that will be an eyeopener. Grafton County (which is where most of us live) provides, and its employees perform, many many services—courts, deeds, justice, budgeting, nursing home—and we vote these officers in to either perform or supervise all these tasks. 

On November 18 these elected officials will visit, take our questions and we can get to know who they are and what they do. Not to be missed! We will be feeding them so throw in an extra chicken leg or two!

Hope to see you at some of these events!

 CALENDAR LISTING for this post; Click here for calendar details!

  • Let’s Unseat Governor Sununu in 2020! LTE;
  • November 9, Pete Buttigieg Lebanon Town Hall;
  • November 9,  Jill Biden in Lebanon;
  • November 9, Tulsi Gabbard comes to Lebanon;
  • November 10, Jenn Alford-Teaster, Candidate Senate District 8;
  • November 14, The Great American Lie, screening;
  • November 18, Fraud protection for seniors, Lebanon;
  • November 18, UVD November Program, Rising to the Bottom of the Ballot;
  • November 18, Dan Feltes for Governor, Hanover;
  • November 20, 5th UVD Democratic Presidential Primary Debate Watch Party;
  • December 8, Annie Kuster in Hanover;
  • Respect in the Political Arena program on Youtube


Ever wonder where those property taxes go?  Find out November 18!

Ever wonder where those property taxes go? Around half usually go to education . . . and the rest goes to the county.

Monday, November 18 (third Monday!),  we predict you will be pleasantly surprised at what your tax dollar is accomplishing. All of our elected county officials will gather to report on their progress and take questions. They will be coming from near and very far so let’s get to know them, discover what they are doing every day for us and feed them well! Scroll down for more details.

Campaigns are heating up and the more you get out there and canvass, make calls, visit offices, the more you’ll be prepared to get our final presidential candidate elected in November 2020.

Remember, as of November 1, we will no longer list candidate-team house parties/meetings. If you have favorites or are interested in specific candidates, email the campaign field officers. Check the “candidate offices” listing on the right side of this website. We will continue, of course, to list the actual in-person candidate events.

Respect in the Political Arena with
2016 Sanders NH Campaign general counsel Andru Volinsky, and
2016 Clinton NH Campaign state director Mike Vlacich,
was a resounding success!

A huge thank you to the speakers!

You can watch the program in 4 parts
thanks to Bill Secord who videotaped it all.

NOTE: Tap CC icon () if the sound is not clear.

Click to view: Part 1  –  Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4

Monday, November 18, 6 – 8 p.m.
UVD November Program
Rising to the Bottom of the Ballot!
Lebanon Senior Center, Lebanon

Potluck 6 p.m. (potluck sign up), program 6.30 p.m.

Voting down ballot describes voting for offices listed below the most important—typically national—race on a ballot. In other words, these candidates sit at the bottom of the ballot.

On November 18 (the third Monday in November) we have invited our five elected County officials (pictured above) who sit at the bottom of the ballot, to share with us what they do exactly and why we need to vote down ballot in 2020.

Click here for the full email.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!