Good Lobbying – Preparing for the 2022 NH Legislative Session

Informative session on November 29 with Karen Liot Hill, long-time City Councilor and grassroots advocate, entitled “Good Lobbying: A workshop on defeating bad bills, proposing good ones, and gearing up for the next legislative session.” If you missed it, the recording is linked.  

A big thanks to Karen and the State Representatives who shared summaries of their legislative proposals.

Watch the recording here:

Speaker: Karen Liot Hill

Alarmed About Women’s Reproductive Rights?

Wonderful program on October 25 with the UVDems and Moderator, Deb Nelson, Chair of the Hanover/Lyme Dems. If you missed it, the recording is linked.  

A big thanks to the speakers and many thanks to the participants for their thoughtful questions.

Watch the recording here:

Cinde Warmington, Executive Council
Jennifer Frizzell, NH Policy Council
Barry Smith, MD retired Ob/Gyn

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!