October 28, Bring a friend to our Monday program!

The UV Dems have a not-to-be-missed event this Monday, October 28, 6 p.m.  on Respect in the Political Arena.

Don’t have time / energy / predisposition to come to the potluck portion of our event this Monday? Don’t anticipate being hungry that day? Still would like to come, listen, participate? Feel you could benefit from others’ experiences in the political jungle? Then please don’t feel you need to get there at 6 p.m. for food. Come at 6:30 p.m.!


[To buy raffle tickets and/or make a contribution]

Or just walk in and join the group. No RSVP required!

And of course remember this is a fundraiser. If you can’t come and if you believe in our mission—to educate and empower people to vote for Democrats, please click here to make a donation.Your donation will ensure that our programs and outreach will continue for the future.

On another note, we have decided, as of November 1, to cease listing all the candidate-team house parties/meetings. If you have favorites or are interested in specific candidates, we suggest you subscribe to their email lists to keep up. We will continue, of course, listing the actual in-person candidate events.

And finally, a heads up on a Sierra Club – UVD partnership event,  Candidate Engagement Training in early November. 

Looking forward to seeing you this Monday.

In the next few weeks, NHDP will be building out its Letters to the Editor (LTE) and Social Media Rapid Response programs!

letters to the editor: NHDP staff is working on creating a new website for LTE writers with tips, best practices, and a tool that lets you easily find out how to send your letter to your local newspaper. NHDP has also started working with groups interested LTE workshops. If your are interested in going over tips and tricks for writing LTE’s, please reach out to Gates at gmacpherson@nhdp.org.  Also, if you know someone (YOU?) who would be a great addition to our letter writing team, have them email Gates!

Social media rapid response: Do you know someone who is active on social media platforms and would be helpful in amplifying our message? Please get in touch with swoolston@nhdp.org to join our Social Media Rapid Response team. You’ll be getting frequent content to share to amplify our message, as well as information needed to respond to false claims from Republicans online. Given what is happening lately, we can use all the help we can get.  And there is no traveling required!

CALENDAR LISTING (see email for details) – 

  • October 25, Deadline for Party registration!
  • October 26,  Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner, Concord;
  • October 28,  UVD Program: Respect in the Political Arena, Hanover;
  • October 29, Hanover/Lyme Town Dems meeting;
  • November 3, Candidate Engagement Training, Hanover;
  • November 18, Fraud protection for seniors, Lebanon.

Get out and meet the candidates!

There are times when they all want us! We are all popular and can’t believe our good luck—like Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren BOTH wanting our attention.

Go! Listen! for it will all magically stop after the primary. These special times will be but a memory—so make one and go see as many of our wonderful candidates as you can. You won’t regret it.

And don’t miss our biennial potluck fundraiser on October 28. We all need to hear the conversation about respect in the political arena. Plus good food and great company doesn’t hurt. See you there.

Sunday, October 20
Cory Booker in Hanover

Dartmouth’s Hopkins Center for the Arts, 7:30 p.m.
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
Location will be confirmed upon RSVP

Come and hear Cory’s vision of uniting Americans so we can build a more fair and just nation for everyone. Cory will speak about uniting Democrats around our shared values, and restoring our sense of common purpose, and healing America after years of Trumps hatred and division.

Please RSVP here.

Thursday, October 24th
Elizabeth is coming to New Hampshire

Doors open: 12:30pm,
Event begins: 1:45pm

Town Hall at Dartmouth College, BEMA

Elizabeth is coming to New Hampshire for a Town Hall at Dartmouth College, BEMA.


Watch a TedTalk on “Can a divided America heal?” as a warm up for our October program on “Respect in the Political Arena.”

How can the US recover after the negative, partisan presidential election of 2016? Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the morals that form the basis of our political choices. In conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson, he describes the patterns of thinking and historical causes that have led to such sharp divisions in America — and provides a vision for how the country might move forward.

Monday, October 28, 6 – 8 p.m.
Respect in the Political Arena

Hanover Black Recreation Center, Hanover

Andru Volinsky (Sanders campaign) and Mike Vlacich (Clinton campaign) come together, in  Respect in the Political Arena, to describe how, in 2016, they tried to conduct a respectful primary campaign supporting opposing candidates. This will set the tone for uniting all Democrats in 2020.

[To make a contribution]
[To RSVP and Potluck sign up]

[To buy raffle tickets and make a contribution]

If you prefer to send a check, please make it
PAYABLE TO the Upper Valley Democrats, and mail to: 2 Jones Ave, West Lebanon, NH 03784.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!