Upper Valley Events October 9 through the 28th!

What’s happening in the Executive Council
ExecutiveCouncil Briefed on Failed Liquor Commission Software Contract

Paula Tracy, InDepthNH.org

Whats happening in the Upper Valley

Thursday, October 10, 6 p.m.
Congressman Chris Pappas’s re-election campaign.

Please join the Nordgren’s for a fall reception in support of Congressman Chris Pappas’s re-election campaign. Home of Sharon & Dick Nordgren,  23 Rope Ferry Road, Hanover

If you wish to contribute: bit.ly/pappas101019

Team Sanders in the Upper Valley
Upcoming Events, West Lebanon

Disclaimer: Senator Sanders will not be attending the following events.
10/9 – Phonebank @West Lebanon Field Office; 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM
10/12 – Canvass @West Lebanon Field Office; 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM
10/13 – Canvass @West Lebanon Field Office; 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM
10/15 – Debate Watch Party @West Lebanon Field Office; 7:30 PM

Team Warren in the Upper Valley

Disclaimer: Senator Warren will not be attending the following events.

Thursday, Oct 10 @ 8:00pm
#BigStructuralChange Meetup: Gun Control

Hosted for Dartmouth Students in Hanover, RSVP and more info here

Tuesday, Oct 15 @ 7:30pm
Debate Watch Party in Lyme! Hosted by Sarah Glass

RSVP and more info here

Tuesday, Oct 22 @ 6:00pm
A Win for Women: Hanover!

RSVP and more info coming soon – save the date!


Team Biden in the Upper Valley

Saturday 10/12 and Sunday 10/13
weekend of action coming up, canvassing in Lebanon.
Here is the link to sign up.

Monday, October 14th.
Biden field office opening, 
Potluck party starting at 6pm
RiverMill in Lebanon,
85 Mechanic street at the old Paymaster building (suite F1-1):
All are welcome! Here is the link. 

Tuesday 10/15 at 7:30
Biden team debate watch potluck party in Hanover
Here is the Link.

TUESDAY, October 15, 8 p.m.
UVD Democratic Presidential Primary Debate Watch Party
Gusanoz Mexican Restaurant, 410 Miracle Mile, Lebanon

You are most welcome to join the Upper Valley Dems to watch the Democratic Presidential Primary debates at Gusanoz on TUESDAY, October 15. The debate starts at 8 p.m. If you are not coming for dinner, plan to arrive around ten minutes to eight.

To all “Debate Watchers” who come!
We will hand out UVD table cards to put on your table. This way, other debate watchers can join your group and servers will easily identify you.

Thanks for coming. We love seeing all of you and it makes for a more rousing debate!

Other watch parties that we know about:
Biden Team, Debate Watch potluck Party, Hanover, 7:30
Buttigieg Team watch partiesLebanonEnfield 1, Enfield 2
Harris Team, DartmouthWatch PartyLebanon Debate Watch Party
Sanders Team, Debate Watch Party @West Lebanon Office; 7:30 PM
Warren Team, Debate Watch Party, Lyme, 7.30 PM

Monday, October 28, 6 – 8 p.m.
Respect in the Political Arena

Hanover Black Recreation Center, Hanover

Andru Volinsky (Sanders campaign) and Mike Vlacich (Clinton campaign) come together, in  Respect in the Political Arena, to describe how, in 2016, they tried to conduct a respectful primary campaign supporting opposing candidates. This will set the tone for uniting all Democrats in 2020.

Week of October 7, and more!

Are you registered to vote?

Voter roles in NH were purged before the mid-term election.  If you haven’t voted in a while, you may not be still registered.  NH does have same day registration, but if you can do it ahead of time you may save yourself a wait in line.  Turnout is expected to be high on election day.

You can use these tools to check:
Lookup to see if you are registered to vote in NH:
Voter registration info for NH, where to find city clerk, check on absentee ballot request, etc: http://sos.nh.gov/VoteInforLook.aspx
VT: https://mvp.sec.state.vt.us/

Other states: pass this on to family in other states. In the age of hacking, it would be good to verify registration periodically: https://www.headcount.org/verify-voter-registration/

Scroll BELOW CALENDAR LISTING for individual event details.

  • October 8, Michael Bennet in Hanover;
  • October 9, Team Cory and Senator Martha Hennessy, Hanover;
  • October 10, Congressman Chris Pappas, Hanover;
  • October 15, Primary Candidates Debate Watch Party, Gusanoz, Lebanon;
  • October 17, NHDP delegate selection process, Hanover;
  • October 26,  Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner, Concord;
  • October 28,  Respect in the Political Arena, Hanover.


  • Presidential Primary Democratic Candidate events through October 12; 

    Tuesday, October 8, 6-7 p.m.
    Michael Bennet in Hanover

    When: Tuesday, October 8, 6-7 p.m.
    Meet and Greet with Dartmouth Democrats
    Where: Faculty Lounge in the Hopkins Center for the Arts

Co-hosted by College Democrats of New Hampshire

Wednesday, October 9th @ 6 pm

Team Cory and Senator Martha Hennessy
Gather to discuss Cory’s policies and how he is a candidate fighting for Women’s issues!
Food and refreshments will be provided. The event would take place at the home of Senator Hennessy.RSVP

Thursday, October 10, 6 p.m.
Congressman Chris Pappas’ re-election campaign.

Please join the Nordgren’s for a fall reception in support of Congressman Chris Pappas’ re-election campaign.

Home of Sharon & Dick Nordgren,  23 Rope Ferry Road, Hanover

If you wish to contribute: bit.ly/pappas101019

Tuesday, October 15, 8 p.m.
UVD Democratic Presidential Primary Debate Watch Party
@Gusanoz Mexican Restaurant,
410 Miracle Mile, Lebanon

It’s on again! 12 candidates! Do you know all their names?

Everyone is most welcome to join the Upper Valley Dems to watch the fourth round of the Democratic Presidential Primary debates at Gusanoz on October 15. The debate starts at 8 p.m. If you are not coming for dinner, plan to arrive around ten minutes to eight.

To all “Debate Watchers” who come!
We will hand out UVD table cards to put on your table. This way, other debate watchers can join your group and servers will easily identify you.

Thanks for coming. We love seeing all of you and it makes for a more rousing debate!

Monday, October 28, 6 p.m.
Respect in the Political Arena

Hanover Black Recreation Center, Hanover

Andru Volinsky (Sanders campaign) and Mike Vlacich (Clinton campaign) come together, in  Respect in the Political Arena, to describe how, in 2016, they tried to conduct a respectful primary campaign supporting opposing candidates. This will set the tone for uniting all Democrats in 2020.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!