A Protest, a Vigil and Women in Politics!

It is time for serious reflection.

Time to contemplate what Chris Sununu’s latest fifty+ vetoes mean to us and to our fellow New Hampshire residents. We have voted in a Democratic State Senate and House and have expectations that our very reasonable legislators are putting forth bills that will make all our lives and futures better–most of which have been summarily vetoed.

Mr. Sununu will visit the Upper Valley Senior Center this Monday. He needs to be informed of how we feel about his partisan  decisions!

As you participate in your right to protest, please be sensitive to the seniors whose right it is to gather, eat and be feted in peace (they are receiving an award from the governor).

We need to park anywhere BUT the senior center—around the Green, behind the town offices or the CCBA. If we form a gauntlet on both sides of Campbell Street from Lucky’s to the senior center sign, we will send Sununu an impact-full message that his judgment is lacking, but it’s also important to show respect toward the seniors, inside and outside their facility. And the very last thing we need is to lose our wonderful voters and others who could sympathize with our causes.

And Jennifer Frizzell, an attorney, who is the director of policy for the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation will be the speaker at the UVDems monthly program, September 23rd. Ms. Frizzell will be joined by a panel, and will speak to women’s issues in the political arena, including women and the NH judiciary.

And finally, consider participating in the interfaith vigil this Monday to acknowledge those cruelly kidnapped by ICE. Our concept of what is right, what is wrong and what is depraved are being challenged every day. Let’s do something about that!

Here’s the September 14 email with event details!

Calendar items:

  • September 16, Sununu needs to see our anger! Lebanon;
  • September 16, Vigil for the Taken, Lebanon, 6 – 8 p.m.;
  • September 16, Pink Out Training, Hanover, 6:30-7:30 p.m.;
  • September 18,  Educator’s Roundtable with Team Warren;
  • September 19 & 20, MSNBC Climate Town Hall;
  • September 19, Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign: Upper Valley Kick-Off Meeting! Hanover;
  • September 23, UVD Program: Women and Political Participation, 6 p.m. potluck, 6:30 p.m. program, Upper Valley (Lebanon) Senior Center;
  • September 27, Climate Strike, Lebanon, 4.30 p.m.;
  • October 17, NHDP delegate selection process, Hanover.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!