Presidential primary campaign offices in the Upper Valley

Drop in if you would like to volunteer for a candidate.

Pete Buttigieg 2020 Campaign Office
PFA Lebanon Office
2 West Park St, Suite 260
Lebanon, NH 03766
Same building as the Salt Hill Pub
Contact Chris at

Amy Klobuchar 2020 Campaign Office:
20 West Park Street, Suite #014,
Lebanon,  NH 03766
Contact Leah at

Bernie Sanders 2020 Campaign Office:
3 Atwood Avenue
West Lebanon, NH 03784
Our office is directly adjacent to the Kilton Public Library.
Contact Arjun at

Elizabeth Warren 2020 Campaign Office 
2 WestPark Street, 3rd Floor #350,
Lebanon,  NH 03766
Same building as the Salt Hill Pub
Contact Cassie at



Monday, September 23,
6 p.m. potluck, 6.30 p.m. program

Upper Valley (Lebanon)
Senior Center, 10 Campbell St, Lebanon

Women and Political Participation: current trends, challenges and opportunities

We are delighted to announce our guest speaker will be Jennifer Frizzell, Director of Policy at New Hampshire Women’s Foundation.

Frizzell will be joined by three panelists:

  • Jenn Alford Teaster, Candidate for NH Senate, fall 2018, District 8.  Teaster works at Dartmouth as a Geospatial Research Project Director;
  • Johanna Evans, Film Programming & Operations Manager at Hopkins Center for Arts.  Evans, who holds a Master’s in English Literature, has been active in the local political scene including service as Campaign Manager for former NH State Senator David Pierce;
  • Linda Tanner currently serves as State Representative from Sullivan 9 in the NH House.  Tanner is a retired teacher and Department Chair from Kearsarge Regional High School.

Frizzell’s presentation will:

  • include data on women serving in Congress as well as in the New Hampshire Legislature;
  • address the barriers women candidates still face;
  • address women and the NH judiciary – even though these are not elected positions they are still of contemporary importance to advancing and protecting important rights. (attached article she wrote on the subject,
  •  include information on Women Run! a program designed by the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation to empower and train women to run for office at the state and local level.

This program is not just for women. Rather it is for all those who seek candidates who are trained and empowered to run for office. If we seek an engaged and empowered electorate and if
we seek candidates who are willing to address the tough questions, then we need broad participation in our programs.

Our programs are not just for one group or another; our programs
are for all who wish to promote good government which will address the needs and concerns of our society.

Hope to see you on September 23 at the Lebanon Senior Center at 10 Campbell Street, Lebanon.

We gather at 6 p.m. Come whether or not you are able to bring food.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!