Another successful UVD film Night and panel!

It was another successful evening with the UVDems at our Monday night film and panel discussion;  fun, informative, and energizing.

What we learned from the documentary film, Paris to Pittsburgh at Mascoma Valley Regional High School on Thursday night regarding climate disruption: that there are lies, damn lies, and Republican lies about the dangers we face and the options we have. Oh, and energy company lies. Paris to Pittsburgh presented the truth about the frightening consequences we are presently experiencing and the even more frightening consequences we face if forceful action is not taken to reduce global warming as we speak—goodbye Florida; hello massive migration to Minnesota.

The uplifting message of the film came with the concrete examples it presented of people and communities that have successfully switched to renewable energy sources and have drastically reduced their carbon footprint—while at the same time creating more jobs than the entire coal industry in America combined. Pittsburgh is one success story, but so also is a small town in Puerto Rico that had switched its electricity sources entirely to renewables and was able to serve the surrounding rural residents with lifesaving electricity after Hurricane Maria—providing support for such medical services as dialysis for people who would otherwise have died. Even in Iowa, a small electricity co-op is now providing power to an array of rural farms entirely through solar and wind power—much to the chagrin of Senator Grassley.

After the showing of the film, a panel of local activists (Kim Quirk, Energy Emporium and Enfield Energy Committee; Chuck Townsend, Canaan Energy Committee; Charlie DePuy, Enfield Energy Committee; Judith Colla, local Sierra Club; and Catherine Corkery, New Hampshire Sierra Club) presented their reactions to the evening’s documentary. Use this link to view and listen to their comments. To see photos from the evening, click here.

The bottom line: we must actively push all levels of government—town, state, and federal—to act immediately to reduce our carbon footprint.

Thank you all for coming and thank you Mascoma Forward for hosting the screening and panel.

See you next week at the debates.

Calendar events:

  • July 24 through July 28, 75th Annual North Haverhill Fair;
  • July 25,  Warren Regional Volunteer Summit; RSVP Here
  • July 30 & July 31, 8 p.m., UVD Debate Watch Parties, Gusanoz, 410 Miracle Mile, Lebanon;
  • August 1, Marianne Williamson, Cornish, NH, RSVP Here
  • August 17, John Delaney, Lebanon; Facebook Link to event
  • September 2, UVD Volunteer Team, Headrest Rail Trail Ramble; Sign up here to volunteer, 8-10.30 a.m. 
  • September 7, 2019, NH Democratic State Convention. DELEGATE TICKETS! Only Delegates can register at this link,

Events, Meetings and a Fair! July 22-31

This week is packed with opportunity to be cool—to read about Garrett Muscatel (in the shade or anywhere you can find comfort and get out of the heat).—to learn about being an effective volunteer OR to visit the air-conditioned community auditorium at Mascoma High School. See a film repudiating Trump’s statement that he is the president of Pittsburgh, not Paris (huh?) and then find out from a panel discussion what is happening locally to achieve zero carbon footprint.

Finally, in keeping with our don’t move, stay cool theme, we have the debates–which will require being in one place and staring at the tube for two evenings straight!


Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!