You are invited to attend:The Democratic Primary DebatesThursday, June 26, 2019 from 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
The first Democratic Presidential Primary Debate will be broadcast by NBC on June 26 & 27, 2019 Time: 9 p.m. – 11 p.m. You are welcome to come anytime before 9 p.m. as the restaurant is open for normal hours. JOIN US TO VIEW THESE DEBATES in LEBANON, NH |
Racism in public policies and institutional practices, June 24
Excerpts from a recent letter from presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigeig on a shooting in South End. He speaks of ‘how racism undermines everything we work to achieve’. Consider this on Monday evening as we discuss Institutional Racism, 6.30 p.m., Upper Valley Senior Center, Lebanon.
“I am not from a community of color, and I pray that I’ll never get the terrible phone call that Eric Logan’s family received last Sunday. But Eric’s death – no matter what details emerge about the circumstances and the actions of the officer involved – shines a bright light on a subject that impacts my life, your life, and the lives of Americans from all walks of life. All police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism, which hurts everyone and everything it touches. Historic racism, present-day racism, and generational racism – they all secrete a kind of poison into the bloodstream of this country. And we must join together to make things right, no matter how demanding that process may be.
When someone sees police car lights in his neighborhood and is filled with fear instead of reassurance, that should move all of us to demand a change in how policing is done. When someone gets followed around a store by a security guard because she committed the sin of shopping while Black, that should spark outrage in all of us, whether we know her or not. When a parent is forced to discuss with their child how they – differently than their white peers – must be cautious in how they move and speak when confronted by a police officer, that should break all of our hearts.
There is a direct relationship between what happened in our nation’s past and what’s happening now. We cannot take racist policies and replace them with neutral policies and expect things to even out; the consequences of racial hurt for the economic and physical security of all Americans, and especially Black Americans, shape our times.”
We hope you will join us on Monday, June 24 at the Upper Valley Senior Center, potluck @6p.m., program @6.30 p.m.