February 12-25

Our next program will be a showing of “Dark Money,”
an exposé of the role of hidden money in our elections. A panel of experts will lead a discussion after the film.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, at 6:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Finger foods (only )for the film, no potluck.
Mascoma Valley Regional High School Community Auditorium.
27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH 03741

In collaboration with Rights and Democracy and Open Democracy, The Upper Valley Dems and Mascoma Forward announce the screening of a must-see film— DARK MONEY.

The movie examines one of the greatest threats to American democracy: the influence of untraceable corporate money on our elections and elected officials. The film follows an intrepid local journalist working to expose the real-life impacts of the US Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision on Republican primaries in Montana. Through this gripping story, DARK MONEY uncovers the shocking and vital truth of how American elections are bought and sold.

The panel discussion afterwards will feature:

Olivia Zink- Open Democracy
Eric Benevides- Wolf PAC
Jim Rubens- Take Our Republic Back
Ben Gubitz- American Promise
February Community Outreach

February Community Outreach, February 25th @ UVD Film Night

Thank you all so much for the impressive amount of food donated to benefit Headrest at our January meeting.

While everyone is geared up to help those less fortunate than we are, we will be collecting items to help out Upper Valley Giving Emergency Aid and Resources (UVGEAR, previously known as “Silent Warriors”).

Given that the homeless don’t have kitchens in which to prepare or store food, they aren’t able to benefit from food donations. Therefore, UVGEAR would love to add winter gear to their “equipment bank.” What they need are cold weather items, such as warm gloves, socks (smart wool are great!), hand warmers and wipes, new underwear, boots/boot spikes, and gift cards (again, not for food). If you threw in the tent taking up space in your garage, they’d love that, too! Imagine that you are without a roof over your head in the middle of winter in New Hampshire. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!

We will be collecting items at the Upper Valley Democrats film night on February 25th @
Mascoma Valley Regional High School Community Auditorium.
27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH 03741.

Thank you so much for your generosity!

If you missed our January program with Keynote speaker Steve Marchand, you can watch the presentation and view photos from the evening at the following link:
Steve Marchand’s presentation, Leading in the Age of Trump: Making Sununu Accountable:

Vigil – Never Again
February 14, 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Hanover, NH, Corner of Wheelock and Main St., across from Hanover Inn.

1-year commemoration of the tragic shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.

The Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, NH
Here are some proposed bills being heard this Wednesday in Concord.
Support Gun Violence Prevention Legislation in New Hampshire Page 1
Support Gun Violence Prevention Legislation in New Hampshire Page 2

The New England Grassroots Environment Fund
(Grassroots Fund) award

We are thrilled to announce that the NH Upper Valley Democrats have been awarded funding for our 2019 programs, called “Engage, Educate and Empower,” by the New England Grassroots Environment Fund. This is the second year our monthly programs have been supported by the NEGEF grant and we are very appreciative. www.grassrootsfund.org

About the Grassroots Fund

The Grassroots Fund energizes and nurtures long-term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe, and sustainable communities using stories, tools, and dollars to fuel local activism and social change. Since 1996, the Grassroots Fund’s core grant-making program continues to fund nearly 150 grants annually, giving more than $4 million in 20 years to more than 2,000 community groups and initiatives covering more than 60 percent of New England’s cities and towns. For more information, please visit grassrootsfund.org or call 603-905-9915.

League of Women Voters NH
Legislative Alert: February 12-14

Tuesday, February 19th, 4 – 6 p.m.
Kilton Library
Renewable Energy Options Affordable For Low Income People

The goal of the event is to give recipients of assistance the opportunity to speak to each other and find solutions. SPREAD THE WORD!

February 21, 7 p.m., Howe Library
The Hanover/Lyme Democrats will be meeting for our Biennial Caucus on Thursday, February 21, at 7:00,
in the Howe Library.

Agenda includes electing members of the Executive Committee (including officers) and representatives to the State Convention.We will also be amending our bylaws to reflect the merging of the Lyme Democrats with the Hanover Democrats.

March 6, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
More than Sad — Youth Suicide Prevention
Tracey Memorial Library,
304 Main Street,
New London, NH 03257
Click here for more information

Contact these Action Group Chairs to join the committees.

Affordable Housing: Devin Wilkie, devin.wilkie@gmail.com
Education: Margaret Campbell, macatmf@aol.com
Environment: Lynn Garfield, lynngarfield17@gmail.com
Community Outreach: Lynn Garfield, lynngarfield17@gmail.com

If you have events to add to the UVDems calendar,
please contact Devin Wilkie, devin.wilkie@gmail.com.

Thank you.
Ann Garland and Barbara J Jones,

Co-Chairs, Upper Valley Democrats

All executive board meetings are held
on the second Monday of the month and are open to the public.

January 21-29

The Executive Council

By Gail Ober, InDepthNH.org 


Calling All Supporters of Public Education in NH

The effort by Sununu and his Ed Commissioner, Edelblut, to starve public education in deference to private educational opportunities has not gone away.

See the Concord Monitor editorial from 1-17-19 entitled: Edelblut’s diagnosis of what ails N.H. education is way off.

Your support for public education is most important even if you can manage only one email or phone call each year.
Thank you, Margaret Campbell
Chair, UVD Education committee

Monday, January 28, UVD Program

Please join us for our first meeting of the year, Monday, January 28.

 Upper Valley Senior Center
10 Campbell Ave, Lebanon

6.00 p.m.
The potluck starts at 6 p.m., and all are welcome to contribute a dish.

6.30 p.m
The first order of business will be the Upper Valley Democrats officer elections at 6.30 p.m. Link to the proposed slateWe will also take nominations from the floor.

7.00 p.m.
Steve Marchand
Leading in the Age of Trump:
Making Sununu Accountable

Tuesday, January 29, Senate Bill 1: Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance

The date for the legislative hearing on Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (Senate Bill 1) is officially set. 

We need to make a big showing of support at this hearing to let New Hampshire lawmakers know that working families need paid family and medical leave now. Please sign up if you are able to attend the hearing and let us know if you would be willing to testify in support! 

All executive board meetings are held on the second Monday of the month and are open to the public.   All UVD programs are held on the 4th Monday of the month. 

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!