Will Sununu Veto Bill SB3?

Back in November, we were worried that New Hampshire Republicans would push through “poll tax” legislation designed to keep college students from voting by changing the definition of residency in the state. Unfortunately, we were right.

Senate Republicans passed the bill today, despite voter suppression bill SB3 being signed into law just 6 months ago. Governor Sununu has yet to promise a veto.

Early January Votes on Critical Bills

There were several critical bills that were retained during the last legislative session that will be considered and voted on in our upcoming 2018 legislative session, which begins on January 3, 2018.

Our opponents are trying to catch us off guard, so it’s likely that they’re going to try to pass these bills very early on during the session, as early as January 3rd or 4th.

Therefore, it’s urgent that you call or email your legislators regarding these critical bills:

  • HB 628 Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Program (House vote): Please contact your representative and encourage them to support the creation of an insurance pool that would enable employees to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave for the care of a child or relative, or for personal medical reasons.
  • HB 592Repealing/Amending the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) (House vote). Please contact your representative and encourage them to oppose this regressive climate measure that would eliminate New Hampshire’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
  • SB 193School Vouchers (House vote): Please contact your representative and ask that they oppose this egregious assault on our public schools that would siphon school funds from local school districts to underwrite costs of students participating in private, charter and home schooling.
  • HB 372Voter Domicile/Suppression (Senate vote): Please contact your senator and encourage them to oppose this attempt to suppress voting.

Please share this information with your friends and neighbors to encourage them to take action with us.

You can find your Representative here.

You can find your Senator here.

As you’re able, please also consider attending the January 3rd and 4th sessions.

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!