January 2018 Program: Education Bills

Tuesday, January 23, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 
Upper Valley Senior Center of Lebanon, 10 Campbell St, Lebanon

We are launching our 2018 Upper Valley Lecture Series on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 with a roundtable of House Representatives who will outline current pending Education legislation.

The presenter is Representative Douglas Ley, D-Cheshire, current president of the American Federation of Teachers in New Hampshire. He will be joined by the following members of the House:

  • Mary Heath, D-Manchester, Former Deputy Commissioner, N.H. Department of Education; Retired Dean, Southern New Hampshire University’s School of Education
  • Brian Sullivan, D- Sullivan, member-elect, recently retired from the National Education Association of New Hampshire
  • Linda Tanner, D-Sullivan, retired Department Chair for Health and Physical Education, Kearsarge Regional School District

Please note change from MONDAY night to TUESDAY night. UVDemocrats usually meet on Monday, but our speaker, Representative Doug Ley, has a Monday commitment—therefore the program has been moved to TUESDAY.

The following articles give background information on SB 193 – School Choice:
Excerpted from unionleader.com article above

‘The committee vote on Tuesday improves the bill’s chances for passage, but it still has a long way to go before becoming law.

‘The full House will take up the bill when it reconvenes in January, with an “ought-to-pass” recommendation from the Education Committee. If the House passes the bill, it will then go to the House Finance Committee, because of the dollars involved.

‘Ultimately, the Senate would have to agree to the many changes in the bill made by the House, or the two chambers would have to agree on a common version of the bill before it goes to Sununu for his signature.’

Heavily amended school choice bill clears N.H. House committee from the Concord Monitor


This week from Andru Volinsky, Executive Councilor District 2

Interim Report on the Preparation of the Ten Year Transportation Plan
For other reports click HERE
You can contact these Action Group Chairsdirectly if you wish to be involved.
Affordable Housing: Devin Wilkie (devin.wilkie@gmail.com)
Education:Margaret Campbell (macatmf@aol.com)
Environment: Lynn Garfield (lynngarfield17@gmail.com)
Networking: Sean Garnsey (seanagarnsey@gmail.com)

If you have events to add to the UVDems calendar, please submit using the online form

Ann Garland and George Sykes, Co-Chairs
Upper Valley Democrats

Subscribe to the NH Upper Valley Democrats Website
Like the NH Upper Valley Democrats Face Book Page

Tuesday, November 14 Voucher Bill , SB 193 Vote

Voucher bill, SB 193, part of a larger attack on public schools – Opinion, Portsmouth Herald.

The Seacoast Media Group papers published an oped by Bill Duncan today about the emerging commitment of state government to the school choice movement at the expense of our neighborhood schools.

Excerpt: The vision emerging at the Department of Education and in the Legislature is a bigger change than it might appear at first.  The basic proposition is that we should replace our system of neighborhood schools with a marketplace of private choice in which each family makes its own decisions about its own children, funded by state and local tax revenue. Read the full article

Want to go to the House Education Committee meeting tomorrow?

Tuesday, November 14, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Exec: SB 193, LOB 206-208 – Universal Vouchers
LOB 206-208 (map)


NEXT Monday, November 20, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (Monday before Thanksgiving)
November UVDems Program: Civics 104 (click on link for more info)
Upper Valley Senior Center of Lebanon, 10 Campbell St,
Lebanon  + Google Map

Session 4 – Where Do We Go From Here? Building the Bench at the Local Level

Civics 104 will focus on local elections in our communities, and where we can build the bench. Join us for our final Civics workshop.

If you can bring a potluck, click here to tell us what you are bringing.
If you are not into potluck, just come for 6.30. 


You can contact these Action Group Chairs directly if you wish to be involved.
Affordable Housing: Devin Wilkie (devin.wilkie@gmail.com)
Education:Margaret Campbell (macatmf@aol.com)
Environment: Lynn Garfield (lynngarfield17@gmail.com)
Networking: Sean Garnsey (seanagarnsey@gmail.com)

If you have events to add to the UVDems calendar, please submit using the online form

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!