Monday, November 20 , UVDems Program: Civics 104

Potluck @6 PM, Speaker @6.30 PM (Doors open 5.30. Please bring potluck before 6 PM)

The goal of the Upper Valley Dems Civics Program is to give everyone information to take effective action, political and otherwise,  on the issues that are important to each of us, individually and as a group. The civics workshops will be facilitated by Karen Liot Hill, a seven-term Lebanon City Councilor and the Grafton County treasurer.

Join us for the fourth and final evening of the civics workshop series.

Session 4 – Where Do We Go From Here? Building the Bench at the Local Level

  • Homework: Identify the voter turnout (# votes cast/# voters) for 3 most recent municipal/school board elections/town meetings in your community (2017, 2016, 2015)

Although local elections for selectboard, school board, and city council are non-partisan in New Hampshire (except for Manchester and Nashua), they present real opportunities for Democrats – for both future candidates to gain valuable experience and build a resume as well as for Democratic committees to gain skills in turning out the vote and being engaged in the communities. This session will explore these issues and how Democrats can work locally. All politics is local, after all.

Thanks for bringing a potluck –   Click here to tell us what you are bringing. If you’re not into potluck, you can skip it and come for 6.30.


UVDems Potluck Fundraiser

Andru Volinsky uses a tall staff to visually show how EVP varies widely throughout the state.

Our October fundraiser grossed close to $4,800!  Thanks to everyone for their support. To read about the event and see the great photos from the evening, click here.

Raffle prize basket from “Infuse Me”






Saturday, November 4 and Sunday, November 5, in Cornish, Grantham, Plainfield, Springfield. Canvassing for Brian Sullivan, Candidate for NH State Representative in Sullivan County District 1.

Call Bill Secord at 603.286.0331 or email him at arrange pick up and instructions. If you want to do some phone banking, click on the virtual phone bank link:
Thursday, November 9, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Women in Conservation Series, 
Montshire Museum of Science
Admission is free but reservations are recommended. For more information and to register, click

Sponsors:  Sierra Club Upper Valley Group, Montshire Museum of Science, Student Conservation Association, Institute for Sustainable Communities

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!