September 25, UVDems Program: Civics 103

September 25 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (potluck @6, program @6.30) 

Kilton Library, 80 Main St,
West Lebanon,  NH 03784

The goal of the Upper Valley Dems Civics Program is to give everyone information to take effective action, political and otherwise,  on the issues that are important to each of us, individually and as a group. The civics workshops will be facilitated by Karen Liot Hill, a seven-term Lebanon City Councilor and the Grafton County treasurer.

Session 3 – Where Do We Go From Here? Influencing New Hampshire Politics and Policy for a Better Future

Homework: Identify the voter turnout in your town/city (# votes cast/# voters) for 4 most recent Presidential elections (2016, 2012, 2008, and 2004) and 3 most recent mid-term elections (2014, 2010, 2006) Hint: your town/city clerk’s office should be able to help!

The mission of Democrats is to win elections and make good public policy. This session will focus on the electoral landscape and opportunities for the upcoming mid-term election in 2018 and the presidential election in 2020. Participants will learn how the New Hampshire Democratic Party and local/regional committees are organized and their role in turning out the vote.

Potluck (6 PM) sign up
Thanks for coming to the program and offering to bring a potluck. Click on the link to sign up:

Volunteers Needed for Critical Special Election

Charlie St. Clair is running in a Special Elections in September that we can win if we can get out the vote. We need to go door-to-door and call.  Can you help?

Charlie St. Clair,

St. Clair is running in a special election for House Representative in Laconia and Belmont. Election day is September 12th! We need and can win a second democratic seat but we have a lot of voters to talk to before then – and we need help to make sure we flip this seat from red to blue and send Charlie to Concord! This election is going to be all about turnout and we need everyone’s help!

In order to ensure that Charlie will receive a winning number of votes, we need to talk to each of these voters more than once!
Upcoming canvassing events:
 GOTV, Saturday, September 9th, 10am, 1pm, 4pm; 354 S Main Street, Laconia
GOTV, Sunday, September 10th, 10am, 1pm, 4pm; 354 S Main Street, Laconia
GOTV, Monday, September 11th, 10am, 1pm, 4pm; 354 S Main Street, Laconia
GOTV, Tuesday, September 12th, 10am, 1pm, 4pm; 354 S Main Street, Laconia

Sign up for any of the above shifts HERE
Can you make phone calls to voters?
Please click HERE for our virtual phone bank to voters in Laconia and Belmont. You will need to create an “Action ID” when you first log in. You will be able to make calls from home using a computer and phone.

For any questions, call Nick Taylor
Director, House & Senate Democrats
New Hampshire Democratic Party
O: (603) 225-6899
C: (781) 698-8545

Engage, Educate, Empower, Elect!